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Make the best out of your Puccia Bread!


TOPPED OR DIPPED? Puccia is a very versatile Bread that can be filled, topped or just dipped in juicy tasty mix of sauces. We use our premium Semolina dough to create this wonderful bread with a ciabatta like texture but wholly different and more rustic flavour all together

Have a look at the 2 most popular use of Puccia!

Bellissima Garlic Bread Puccia and Bellissima Dip in Puccia.

Get inspired by Bellissima Puccia Passion and follow the Bellissima Puccia weekly recipes!


One of the most popular use of Puccia is to turn it into a super tasty garlic bread.

Eat it on its own or use it as a tasty alternative to classic bread!

  • Preheat the oven at 200/250 C depending on your appliances

  • Take 1 Puccia and let it breathe for a couple of mins

  • Make 3 linear cuts on the top

  • Drop some olive oil in the cuts (2 teaspoons= 6gr EVO)

  • Fill the gaps with garlic butter ( 2 tablespoons = 20 gr)

  • Bake it for 5 mins for a fluff result or 8 mins for a more crunchy one

  • Add a Pinthc of Thyme and Serve hot!

Enjoy Bellissima Garlic Bread Puccia!


Fancy a snack? Wants to serve some cured meat and cheese board with style?

Dip in your Puccia!

  • Preheat the oven at 200/250 C depending on your home appliances

  • Take 1 Puccia and let it breathe for a couple of mins

  • Cut the puccia in slices

  • Place them on a tray

  • Warm it up for 5 mins for a fluff result or 8 mins for a more crunchy one

  • Dip in your Puccia!


Olive oil & vinegar deep

  • Take a bowl and mix 1 capsule of olive oil and 1 capsule of vinegar

Green Pesto & olive oil dip

Take a bowl and mix 1 capsule of olive oil with 2 tablespoon of green pesto (add more pesto for a thicker dip)

Enjoy Bellissima Dip in Puccia!

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